Thursday, 5 July 2012

La Coruna

La Coruna

La tour d'Hercule,

seul phare romain

le plus ancien au monde 



de nos jours. 

Il a été inscrit sur la liste 

du patrimoine mondial.

La Coruna was a nice city to spend a few days. We arrived on Saturday and there was a festival of fire planned for the weekend. The locals covered the beach in bonfires and lit them and partied till 10am Sunday. We ate pizza with V and Char and watched for a while before heading back to the Real Club Marina to watch the fireworks from Sephina. We were a bit knackered after the sail so it wasn't long before we we're wrapped up for a long sleep. It's nice to be tied to a dock occasionally, no checking the anchor hasn't dragged in the early hours of the morning or peering out the window to see if another boat hasn't swung too close. We planned to have the engines serviced there so we rode our bike to the next bay to meet the mechanic and tee up a time. Had the engines serviced later that day and returned to La Coruna late in the fog. Almost skittled by a busy harbour tug. 
Enjoyed the sunshine and meeting new friends in La Coruna and Balrog loved swimming there, but after a week it was time to move on. The marina does a stay 7 pay for 5 deal so it was one of the cheaper places to stay at 40 euros/night and very friendly staff and good facilities. Best thing is it's right in town (even though it was impossible to find anything you actually need in the city) except seafood restaurants ! The wind is still from the West so making our way westerly means waiting it out for a decent weather window.


Nous sommes Arrivés à Cedeira (espagne) le 19 juin 2012 après 5 heures de navigation depuis Viveiro. 1ere navigation sans Skipper ! Was Greaaaattttt..

 Forteresse de la Concepción, construite au XVIIIe S elle préservait la côte des incursions maritimes.

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