Left Punta Subrido at 0830 and slowly made our way South in light variable wind. Said bye to V as he and Char and Yugi were planning to skip Portugal and head straight for Southern Spain. We arrived in our first Portuguese port 42 miles and 10 hours later at Viana Do Costello. Jen caught a cray pot along the way and lost her new lure
We were both a bit surprised by the friendly locals and beautiful town as we weren’t expecting as much in Portugal. Tied to the visitors pontoon in the river for a couple of nights. Caught up with Roy again who we met and jammed with in Cedeira. He is enjoying cruising down the coast solo. Its been pretty foggy here but we have avoided the worst of it. This morning is foggy so we will delay the next sail till tomorrow and take a look around town with the bikes.
We tried to catch the cable car up to the cathedral on the hill 3 times but each time we went back the attendant said its being fixed, wait 30 mins…

OK so that never happened but its a beautiful place and Jenijane found a beautiful shop full of her favourite things (mostly music boxes )
We were both a bit surprised by the friendly locals and beautiful town as we weren’t expecting as much in Portugal. Tied to the visitors pontoon in the river for a couple of nights. Caught up with Roy again who we met and jammed with in Cedeira. He is enjoying cruising down the coast solo. Its been pretty foggy here but we have avoided the worst of it. This morning is foggy so we will delay the next sail till tomorrow and take a look around town with the bikes.
We tried to catch the cable car up to the cathedral on the hill 3 times but each time we went back the attendant said its being fixed, wait 30 mins…
OK so that never happened but its a beautiful place and Jenijane found a beautiful shop full of her favourite things (mostly music boxes )
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